IEEE UAP Student Branch [Bangladesh Section]

Syeda Jannatul Ferdaus, Publicity Head for IEEE University of Asia Pacific Student Branch

IEEE Day Celebration at IEEE UAP Student Branch

IEEE UAP SB accompanied by IEEE UAP SB WIE AG commemorated the 10th IEEE Day on 24th, 26th and 27th October 2019 with assemblage of events. Day 1 and 2 included an introductory seminar on research paper publication, a workshop on Adobe Illustrator, an informative session on IEEE and an intra-university programming contest. Those sessions were conducted by branch counselor, WIE AG advisor, former and current Excoms. On day 3 speakers from IEEE Bangladesh Section were invited. Sujan Sarker, Publicity Coordinator for IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter discussed membership benefits of IEEE and the formation requirements of CS Student Chapter. Abul Al Arabi, Secretary for IEEE RAS Bangladesh Chapter imparted speech on robotics and automation technology field in the context of Bangladesh and international circumstances. With spontaneous participation of students and faculties, the 3-day extensive program was settled with contest prize giving followed by farewell of departing Excoms and a ravishing cultural program.