LMAG Kansai Supported 2020 SB English Presentation Competition

Masaaki Kobayashi, Chair for IEEE LMAG Kansai

On 9th January, 2021, later than usual, the 17th SB English Presentation Competition 2020 was held online unlike previous years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We supported the competition by participating as audiences and asking questions so as to enhance the effectiveness of the presentation practice. Our other support for the competition is to give the IEEE LMAG Kansai award to outstanding speakers who are tackling attractive future themes. The award was established in 2018 and will be given to two IEEE Student Members. This time, unfortunately, all speakers were non-IEEE members, so there were no winners for the LMAG award. 14 participants attended the competition including 7 speakers, 6 audiences, and 1 moderator. 3 LMAG officers and 1 LMAG member are among the audiences.