IEEE Queensland Section

Energy Transition Workshops

Daniel Eghbal, Educational Activity Chair for IEEE Queensland Section

IEEE Queensland Educational Activities, one of the 2021 R10 New Innovation Challenge funding recipients, organized two workshops on 22nd and 23rd November 2021 for university students in Queensland on energy transition. The goal was to develop suitable tailored content for educational purposes for university students by leveraging existing capabilities available within IEEE Queensland Section. The workshops were planned and organized in collaboration with Power and Energy Society Chapter in Queensland and the Student Branches at UQ and QUT. Very positive feedbacks were received after the two workshops (10 and 20 participants respectively) with keen interest for planning similar events in 2022.

Australia is amongst the leading countries with highest penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) and already embarked on its energy transition journey. This creates a great opportunity for university students who are the future leaders of the industry in Australia to learn more about technical challenges and opportunities associated with energy transition driven by the 2050 net Zero Emission target and customer uptake of renewables and electric vehicles. And IEEE community is best positioned to assist students in developing their knowledge and skills to prepare for an exciting and one in lifetime career opportunity.
