IEEE R10Talk Webinar and IEEE Day Celebration

“IEEE in an Internet Dominated World” by Susan K. (Kathy) Land – IEEE President & CEO

Jennifer C. Dela Cruz, Chair for IEEE R10 SAC

R10Talk, on its 9th session, was graced by none other than the IEEE President & CEO, Susan Kathy Land. She talked about “IEEE in an Internet Dominated World” to over 150 participants via Webex, IEEE TV, and FB live in and around Region 10. Yes, the internet allowed us to educate, inform, reach out and share perception and knowledge beyond our recognition. The pandemic disruption is global, and when it strikes, members worldwide are perplexed and challenged. Therefore, President Land encouraged us to adhere to the mission and vision of IEEE and continue to promote diversity and inclusivity. She also suggested remaining steadfast in our support for using a standardized and peer-reviewed approach to support scientific research. Interesting Q&A revolves around the negative connotation of “cancel culture” and its impact, reassuring members of the proper alignment of the IEEE Code of Ethics.

R10 Director Deepak Mathur gave his welcome remarks and introduced our honorable speaker. The session was well participated by the R10 Executive Committee and the R10Talk team led by Dr. Zia Ahmed. R10 Director-Elect Prof. Lance Fung gave the vote of thanks and closing remarks highlighting another remarkable effort of the team in providing insightful webinars to R10 members. The participants were given a heads-up to the upcoming webinars this October and November. The R10 EXCOM joined an online celebration of the IEEE Day with the President after the webinar, which was also attended by R10 pride, our past IEEE President Toshio Fukuda. Past R10 Director Mr. Ramakrishna Kappagantu also joined the celebrations. The night was capped with fun and entertainment in commemoration of a successful IEEE R10Talk day!

The R10Talk team will consistently strive to be a source of relevant technical and non-technical webinars on topics of interest to members.