R10 Student Personality of the Month – Mohammed Hussein Saleh Mohammed Haram

Malaysia Section

Mohammed Hussein is a recent graduate of Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Currently, he is pursuing his master’s degree in Engineering Science as a graduate research assistant at the same university. Mohammed Hussein started his involvement with IEEE back in January 2016, when he was elected as the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Multimedia University Student Branch (IEEE MMU SB). Throughout 2016, as part of the SB leadership team, he organized various events at university, state and national level. By the end of the year, the Student Branch was awarded the Exemplary Student Branch Award in Malaysia.

In August 2017, Mohammed was elected as the Chairman of IEEE MMU SB and during his term, the number of SB event increased significantly. These resulted in the SB winning the Malaysia Section Outstanding Student Branch Award for two consecutive years, in 2017 and 2018; making the first of its kind achievement in Malaysia. In 2019, Mohammed was appointed as the Malaysia Section Student Representative (SSR) for 2019-2020. Under his leadership, the student branch also secured two international awards namely 2018 IEEE Asia Pacific Region Exemplary Student Branch Award and 2018 IEEE Asia Pacific Region Student Branch Award which was given to the most outstanding branch out of 1437 student branches. These are the highest honors in the 13 years of existence of the SB.

Mohammed was ranked as the top IEEE member recruiter worldwide in 2019 recruiting 169 members. In 2018, he was ranked second best IEEE Region 10 members recruiter, recruiting 111 members. He has been Malaysia Section’s top recruiter for the past 4 years (2016-2019) recruiting 25, 14, 111 and 169 members respectively. In 2019, he helped IEEE MMU SB to reach 202 members which is the highest number of student members in Malaysia Section by any Student Branch since 2003.

His recent involvement was as a Director for the 6th IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology (2019 IEEE CSUDET) held in Penang, Malaysia. The conference received over 100 papers of which 60 high-quality papers from 18 countries were presented. He was the founder of IEEE MMU Women in Engineering (WIE) AG whose leadership was later passed on to Teo Yar Lee. He is currently a part of IEEE Malaysia Section Consultants Network Affinity Group (CNAG) and presently working on initiating IEEE PES Student Chapter at his university.

Another accolade received by Mohammed Hussein was IEEE R10 SAC Outstanding Student Volunteer for 2019. Mohammed has won multiple awards at university and national levels such as 2019 MMU Golden Achievement Award, MMU 2018 Student Leader of the Year and 1st Runner-up for IEEE Malaysia Best Final Year Project Competition 2019 in two tracks namely, Consumer Electronics and Young Innovator Award.