By Mousmi Ajay Chaurasia, Amit Kumar, Jennifer Delacruz, Yinghong Wen
The 2024 IEEE Volunteer Training Session and Student Event was held on 16-17 August 2024 at the Science Hall of Beijing Jiaotong University, China. The event was a collaboration between three IEEE Region 10 committees;
- Volunteer UpSkill and Enhancement Committee (VUEC)
- Section Chapter Committee (SCC)
- Student Activities Committee (SAC), along with IEEE MGA and the IEEE China Council.
The School of Automation and Intelligence and Jeme Tienyow Honors College hosted the event to enhance leadership skills, foster collaboration, and explore opportunities within IEEE for members, volunteers, and students. Senior IEEE volunteer leaders and student leaders discussed various topics, including career growth through IEEE, student branch management, time management, and applying to become a volunteer leader. Over 125 participants engaged in insightful sessions and discussions.
Day 1 Program
The event was inaugurated by three eminent IEEE leaders:
- Mr. Deepak Mathur, 2024 IEEE MGA Vice President
- Prof. Lance Fung, 2023-24 IEEE R10 Director
- Prof. Takako Hashimoto, 2023-24 IEEE R10 Director-Elect
The event began with notable remarks from distinguished IEEE leaders, including Mr. Deepak Mathur, Prof. Lance Fung, Prof. Takako Hashimoto, Prof. Yinghong Wen, Prof. Mousmi Ajay Chaurasia, and Prof. Haoye Wang. Mr. Deepak Mathur thanked the volunteers for organizing the first in-person volunteer training event in China since the pandemic. He also congratulated Mousmi Ajay Chaurasia for her collaboration with IEEE MGA. Prof. Lance Fung commended the hard work of the R10 committees and encouraged volunteers from China to pursue leadership roles within IEEE. Prof. Jing Dong, IEEE R10 Ex-Com member and Chair of the Award & Recognition Committee, delivered an inspiring keynote on the Growth of Career through IEEE, emphasizing how volunteering can enhance visibility and professional development within the organization.

Dr. Amit Kumar, Chair of the IEEE R10 Section/Chapter Committee, followed with a keynote on Collaboration Among IEEE Societies and Student Branch Chapters. He highlighted opportunities within IEEE Sections, outlined the benefits of engaging with various societies, and shared global best practices for building and maintaining successful Sections and chapters. Both speakers underscored the importance of active participation in IEEE for career growth, networking, and fostering leadership skills within the community.
Day 2 program
The Day 2 focused on student activities and featured inspiring stories for students, women, and young professionals. Several best practices were highlighted, alongside a team-building activity that brought all participants together. The session was filled with fun, motivation, and opportunities for collaboration, fostering mutual respect and an exchange of ideas. Prof. Jennifer DelaCruz, Chair of the IEEE R10 Student Activities Committee, and Ms. Warunika Hippola, IEEE R10 Student Representative, delivered a keynote speech titled IEEE Students: Connect, Learn, Lead, and Thrive.
Dr. Chengxi Han, GRSS SB Chair encouraged all attendees with his achievements and skills of time management for IEEE and profession. The day wrapped up with an engaging live demo session by Mousmi Ajay Chaurasia on VTools, OU Analytics, and IEEE CLE. Attendees responded with great enthusiasm, and 5-6 volunteers expressed interest in contributing at the council and Section levels. Participants actively engaged with one another, expressing their appreciation to the speakers for sharing valuable insights and showcasing opportunities in scholarships, research, and volunteering. The event was well-organized and highly impactful, with discussions on volunteerism, time management, and collaboration proving both informative and inspiring. The keynote speeches and team-building activities promoted strong collaboration. Special thanks to MGA, Region 10 speakers, and the China Council for their unwavering support in making this event a success.