IEEE R10 Director's Message
Emeritus Prof. Chun Che (Lance) Fung
Dear Readers and IEEE members in Region 10,
Welcome to the first edition of the 2023 IEEE R10 Newsletter.
First and foremost, I would like to thank Professor Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi for chairing the IEEE R10 Newsletter Committee (NLC) in the past four years, together with his team of dedicated volunteers. I thank the NLC members in 2022: Prashant R. Nair, Tridibesh Nag, Lau Bee Theng, Redwan Farhan, Wathmini Sharika, Garima Patel, Nabeel Masoodi, Naila Mukhtar, and Vaishali S., who served in various roles in the preparation of the many editions of R10 newsletter over the past year.
I welcome our 2023 IEEE R10 NLC Chair, Dr. Akila Wijethunge, who will lead another team of competent volunteers, including Dr Kevin Huang, Prashant R. Nair, Takefumi Yamada, Sajani Mayadunne, Kavinda Attapattu, Anu Sabu, Charindu Abeysekara, Vaishali S and Akarsh Ashok. Thank you for their commitment, and we look forward to the fruits of their labor in the coming months.
In today’s environment, Newsletter is a powerful and important communication tool between an organization and its members, as well as readers who are non-members. The IEEE R10 Newsletter provides valuable and relevant content from the Region to the readers.
To serve the members better, the region will focus on recruitment, retention, and rejuvenation; enhancing membership value and promoting member benefits; and, creating opportunities for participation and engagement in the coming activities. To support the volunteers, the region will equip, educate, and engage them through the provision of training and upskilling opportunities. The leaders in the region, are expected to serve and lead by example; initiate quality programs with impact and efficiency; and more importantly, exhibit ethical behavior professional performance, and accountability.
In the coming months, activities in IEEE Region 10 will be led by 30 experienced volunteers, as members of the 2023 R10 Executive Committee (ExCom), in various positions as Vice-Chairs, Committee Chairs, and members of the R10 Nomination and Advisory Committee. Each one of these leaders has a wealth of experience and organizational knowledge from different Organization Units (OU’s) within IEEE. They all have served in diverse executive positions within Affinity Groups, Chapters, Sections, Councils, Region as well as Committees and Boards. The Committee Chairs have invited many dedicated volunteers for the planning and execution of projects within their respective committees. We will see the rollout of the activities, and their outcomes in the coming editions of the R10 Newsletters.
Last but not the least, our Region 10 Director 2021- 2022, Deepak Mathur, has steered the Region from strength to strength through the challenges of the global pandemic. We congratulate him for being elected as the IEEE Members and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board Vice President-Elect 2023. He will assume his role as Vice President of the MGA Board in 2024, providing leadership and service to the IEEE members.
Thank you for reading and let’s make IEEE Region 10, Ten out of Ten!
Lance Chun Che Fung
IEEE Region 10 Director 2023-2024

IEEE R10 Newsletter Chair's Message
Dr. Akila Wijethunge
Dear IEEE R10 Members and Readers,
As the newly appointed IEEE Region 10 Newsletter Chair, I am honored to have the opportunity to serve and connect with all of you. The goal of our newsletter is to provide valuable and relevant information about the activities and events conducted by IEEE R10, as well as to keep you informed about the latest opportunities and activities in the interest of the membership.
I believe that this newsletter can serve as an important tool for fostering communication and collaboration among our regional IEEE Members and beyond. I aim to make sure that every issue is packed with informative and engaging content that will keep you informed and inspired by IEEE R10 activities.
My team and I are dedicated to making IEEE R10 Newsletter a success while providing a platform to share directives and plans of IEEE R10 for the benefit of the IEEE vision and mission. We welcome articles for IEEE R10 Newsletter for our upcoming issues from IEEE Sections, Subsections, Councils and other IEEE Operation Units through our website.
I encourage you to reach out to me or my team if you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas for future newsletter content. We are always eager to hear from you and make this newsletter the best it can be. I am looking forward to a productive and successful journey together.
Warm Wishes
Dr. Akila Wijethunge
IEEE R10 Newsletter Chair