IEEE Hyderabad Section Activities
Sree Laskhmi Gundebommu, Newsletter Editor for IEEE Hyderabad Section
IEEE Hyderabad Section SAC Adhithyam 2021: IEEE Hyderabad Section is the best hub for inspiration, association, and information in technical and executive features. Considering the COVID19 pandemic situations, IEEE Hyderabad Section Student Activities Committee has taken an initiation of Zonal Congresses. The first Zonal Congress was Warangal Congress. It is named Adithyam’21 and was held on 1st May 2021. The congress was planned with technical and non-technical events. It comprises of the speaker, keynote sessions, cultural, competitions, as well as networking sessions for the young generation.
The main motto of this first virtual Zonal Congress is to ignite students and delegates with knowledgeable sessions which inbuilt the concepts of milestone technologies in this pandemic situation. This congress was like an inventive conceptual event with lots of information and entertainment which helps every student to bring out their introvert ideology to the extrovert businesses or startups. The congress was attended by 200 participants.
IEEE Computer Society SAMEEKSHA 2021: The first edition of SAMEEKSHA 2021 was organized by IEEE Computer Society under IEEE Vardhman College of Engineering Student Branch and IEEE Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering Student Branch, in collaborative support with IEEE Hyderabad Section SAC and CS Hyderabad Chapters, as part of the 75th Computer Society Anniversary Celebration on 8th and 9th May 2021. The mission of IEEE Computer Society is to promote the usage of technology to influence the quality of life in society. This event brought the researchers, academicians, and industries from various technical domains such as computer science, electrical engineering, life sciences, electronics, communication engineering, biomedical engineering, and technology management together to promote high quality and novel research findings. Altogether 150 attendees participated in the event.