Erase the Boundaries
Utkarsh Singh, Editor-Newsletter for IEEE India Council
All India Students, Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Life Members Congress (AISYWLC) was organized by IEEE India Council & IEEE Delhi Section at Chitkara University from 18th to 27th December, 2020 virtually. The event, themed “Erase The Boundaries”, was attended by more than 700 delegates. Guest speakers were Dr. Aloknath De (CTO, Samsung India), Dr. Gulshan Rai, (First Chief of Cyber Security – PMO, India), etc. India Council also conducted INDICON 2020 from 11th to 13th December, 2020. Prof. Toshio Fukuda, Dr. Lance Fung, Dr. Suresh Nair, Mr. Deepak Mathur, and around 500 researchers contributed to this event.
India Council inaugurated Prahlad P Chhabria Awards in memory of Late Shri Pralhad P Chhabria, Founder-Chairman, Finolex Group of Companies. Sponsored by HOPE Foundation and Research Centre with total prizes worth INR350,000, this award is conferred on young women for achievements in an undergraduate college or professional arena. The winner announcements were held in a virtual mode on 12th March, 2021. IEEE India Council also partnered with IEEE Nagpur Subsection in hosting the WIE International Leadership Summit (ILS) with 500 participants on 6th November, 2020. The summit was inaugurated at the hands of Akinori Nishihara, Director of Region 10 & Deepak Mathur, Director-Elect of Region 10. Whereas Dr. Suresh Nair, IEEE India Council Chair-Elect & Dr. Lance Fung, 2021-2022 R10 Director-Elect graced the valedictory function.