Malaysia Section
Mohd Hafiz Ismail joined IEEE in 2010 and has been actively contributing as an IEEE volunteer when he co-founded and became the Vice-Chair of IEEE Malaysia Section Sensors and Nanotechnology Joint Councils Chapter in 2017. This joint council’s chapter is the first council chapter established in the Malaysia Section. In 2018 and 2019, Mohd Hafiz was elected as the Executive Committee of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Malaysia Chapter and during the 29th Annual General Meeting, Mohd Hafiz was elected as the Executive Committee of IEEE Malaysia Section – Educational Activities Chair 2019 – 2020. He was also part of the IEEE Day Team 2018 – 2020, serving as IEEE Day Ambassador for Malaysia Section in 2018 – 2019 and R10 Regional Lead for IEEE Day 2020.
Mohd Hafiz Ismail is currently an academic staff at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology, University Malaysia Perlis. He was a visiting researcher at Institute FEMTO-ST, Besancon France in 2013 and Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University in 2015. Between 2006 and 2020, Mohd Hafiz has initiated and led various educational outreach and university social responsibilities programs. He was awarded with Excellence Service Award in 2009 and 2019 as well as Maal Hijrah Personality Award by University Malaysia Perlis.
Since 2017, Mohd Hafiz has involved as advisor, coordinator, instructor and speaker for more than 20 national and state levels university and pre-university programs, in collaboration with Ministry of Education Malaysia, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, National STEM Centre Malaysia, various State Education Departments, IEEE Organizational Units and private educational companies. These programs have benefited more than 10000 school administrators, teachers, students and parents as well as university volunteers – in line with the purpose of IEEE Educational Activities Board i.e. to serve the educational pursuits of IEEE members, the engineering and scientific communities, and the general public. STEM initiatives by IEEE Malaysia Section led by Mohd Hafiz has been awarded with STEM Mentor-Mentee Merit Award during Malaysia Technology Expo 2018. In recognition of his outstanding contribution and services for educational activities to the IEEE Malaysia Section, Mohd Hafiz was selected as the recipient of IEEE Malaysia Section Outstanding Volunteer Award 2019, R10 Educational Activities Outstanding Group Award 2019, and R10 Educational Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award 2020.
Recently, Mohd Hafiz has been elected as the Executive Committee of IEEE Education Society Malaysia Chapter during its 13th Annual General Meeting. He is also currently a member of the STEM Portal Testing Group and IEEE TryEngineering Translation Project under the IEEE Educational Activities Board.