Message from IEEE Region 10 Director
Dear IEEE Colleagues,

We have witnessed an all-round outstanding performance in Region 10 during 2021-2022. There were unprecedented challenges and uncertainties but the thoughtful leadership at all levels in the Region has transformed challenges into opportunities. I would like to thank each one of you for your contributions and great performance. I am sure the coming years are going to be brighter.
Our region’s performance was very good with excellent growth. All Region 10 flagship events were successfully carried out. I appreciate the leadership and organizers of TENCON, TENSYMP and R10HTC for their untiring efforts organizing these conferences with great success. My special thanks to Seoul Section and team of R10 SYWLC for organizing the congress amidst uncertainty and challenges. The congress was well participated.
We recently concluded the first ever held Region 10 Robotic Competition in Bangkok. The idea was to engage members and provide a platform to showcase their innovative ideas. There were several rounds and finalists were invited to demonstrate their working robots in a grand finale which was held at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. The event was also supported by Thailand Section and Chulalongkorn University. I thank everyone associated with this ambitious project of Region 10 and also congratulate the winners and participants. A robotic workshop was also organized in the sidelines of the main event, which witnessed participation from students from 7 local schools. The enthusiastic school children made a working robot and participated in a competition. I am sure Region 10 will continue this program with more rigor and passion to make it a flagship event.
Our initiative ‘Region 10 Talk’ has been very successful, where we invited experts from IEEE Technical Societies. This was a team effort put forth by committees of Region 10. It reinforces our belief that teamwork and collaborative approach are keys to success. I thank the architects of ‘TenTalk’.
As my term is going to be over by the end of 2022, I am extremely happy that Region 10 would be led by my longtime friend and IEEE colleague, an accomplished professional and great volunteer leader, Emeritus Professor Lance Fung. Lance has great plans to steer Region 10 further and I am confident of his leadership. I am sure all of you would be extending all your support to him in his plans to further mission and vision of IEEE.
I would also like to congratulate Takako Hashimoto for being elected as 2023-2024 Region 10 Director-Elect and I am sure her long and inclusive experience in Region 10 shall be very useful. I also congratulate Dr. Seishi Takamura from Japan who is elected as IEEE Region 10 Zone Representative for North Asia.
As many of you might be knowing that the splitting of Region 10 has been approved by IEEE and implementation date would be 1st January 2028. This brings a lot of opportunity for further growth with increased responsibilities and accountability of managing Regions after the split. We have very experienced advisory committee and I strongly believe their guidance will make the split efficient and effective. Region 10 shall have two zones till the split comes to effect – North Asia and South Asia & Pacific.
Despite many accomplishments and accolades, the 2021-2022 had painful moments. We lost our two very bright volunteers. The losses of Prof B G Park (Region 10 Vice Chair of Membership Activities) and Prof Lawrence Wong (Past Region 10 Director) have created a void and we would be missing them. May their soul rest in eternal peace, and my deepest condolences go to their families and loved ones.
On my last note, I am happy to inform that I have been elected as the 2023 Vice President-Elect of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA). I look forward to working with you to further the mission and vision of IEEE in my new capacity.
I wish you and your loved ones a 2023 filled with happiness, health, and prosperity.
Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Deepak Mathur
IEEE Region 10 Director
2023 IEEE Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities
Message from IEEE Region 10 Newsletter Coordinator

Dear Region 10 Members,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the fourth and final edition of IEEE Region 10 Connect for 2022. I would like to apologize for the delay in releasing this final newsletter issue due to unavoidable circumstances.
Nevertheless, this edition continues to feature exciting reports and articles from members and organizational units across Region 10. Our Know Your R10 Volunteers and Know Your R10 Organizational Units columns continues to feature exciting R10 personnel organizational units. In this edition we have three more volunteers (Pooja Sharma, Mayesha Tafannum, and Tadashi Takano) and three more organizational units (Kansai Section, SIES GST Student Branch and USM Student Branch) featured in the respective columns for your reading pleasure. We also have the report on the recently conducted R10HTC conference and SYWL congress, updates from various R10 committees, activities and events reporting from various Sections, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches, as well as compilation of conference call for papers.
After 4 years chairing the R10 newsletter committee, I will pass the baton to Dr. Akila Wijethunga from the Sri Lanka Section who will chair the committee in 2023. I wish her and her team all the best in bringing the R10 newsletter to an even greater height for the benefit of R10 readers. My utmost appreciation goes to the newsletter team: Prashant, Tridibesh, Bee Theng, Redwan, Wathmini, Garima, Naila, Nabeel, and Vaishali. I hope to work together with you all again in some other capacities. Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone for your wonderful support for me and my committee members for the last 4 years. I hope you can show the same level of support, if not greater, to Dr. Akila and her team.
I hope you will enjoy this final edition of the IEEE Region 10 Connect in 2022. As always, you can reach us at if you have any comments or suggestions to share with us regarding the newsletter.
Thank you and kind regards,
Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi,
Chair, IEEE R10 Newsletter Committee