Congratulations and many thanks and appreciation to the wonderful leadership of Prof. Toshio Fukuda, 2020 IEEE President. Your efforts and contributions have enhanced IEEE, both in general and within Region 10. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.
Lawrence Wong, Past Vice President, MGA & Past IEEE Region 10 Director
Thank you so much, Prof. Toshi, for your dedication and leadership in making IEEE great. Your insightful experience and inspiration are great motivators to all of us, keeping us in high team spirit and being creative. It is a great honor and delightful journey to work under your leadership. Thank you, Prof. Toshi.
Ewell Tan, Project Manager, IEEE Asia Pacific
I came to know Prof. Fukuda when I joined R10 ExCom in 2015 when he was immediate Past Director of R10 and later he became the President of IEEE. I was very impressed with his knowledge and jolly nature. His simplicity and quick decision taking capability is his strength apart from his high level academic and research. On the personal front, he touches everyone’s heart who came in his contact. His contribution to the R10 and IEEE will be always remembered.
Sri Niwas Singh, 2019-2020 Vice Chair of Technical Activities

Prof. Toshio Fukuda was the first ever IEEE President from Region 10. He was easily accessible to all members specially Region 10 Councils/Sections/Members. When invited to any event, he tried to attend subject to his availability. From December 13 to 15, 2019 India Council’s annual conference (INDICON 2019) was organized at Rajkot. He found time to join the same.
Rajendra Asthana, 2021-2022 Life Member Committee Chair
Dear Toshi, thank you for your long-time service and dedication to IEEE. As 2020 President of IEEE, you faced a year of unprecedented challenges with the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, under your leadership, the mission of IEEE did not waver. We remained committed to fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. We came together in new ways and emerged even stronger.
Congratulations on being the first, but certainly not the last, IEEE President from Region 10. You led IEEE at its highest levels and your work has been integral to our organization’s ongoing evolution and expansion. It has been my pleasure to serve with you as volunteer leaders of IEEE and I appreciate the guidance and true sense of collaboration you brought to the Board.
Susan K. Land, 2021 IEEE President & CEO
On behalf of the entire IEEE staff, I would like to extend my deep appreciation for the strong leadership of IEEE Past President, Prof. Toshio Fukuda during his term. As we began the year 2020, neither Toshio nor I could have imagined what lay ahead of us – a year where we would have to rethink all the ways that IEEE engages with our members, our volunteers, and our stakeholders a year where we would have to protect the safety of our IEEE members and staff, and a year where we would need to find novel ways to work together and coordinate our efforts globally virtually and in a distributed manner. Through these challenging times, Past President Fukuda not only provided the effective leadership that IEEE needed, but he also remained deeply and actively engaged (virtually) with the IEEE membership across the world. Past President Fukuda was unwilling to let a global pandemic slow the progress and advancement of IEEE, and he very effectively pursued a strong agenda of new activity – emphasizing IEEEs commitment to diversity and inclusion and growing our educational activities to support our membership. I personally appreciate the strong partnership with Toshio over the years, as we engaged around the clock to support the mission of IEEE. Region 10 and all of IEEE has been greatly served by Prof Fukuda’s leadership of IEEE and I wish Toshio the greatest success in the future.
Stephen Welby, IEEE Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer

It has been a very special privilege to experience Professor Toshio Fukuda’s invigorating leadership and enjoy his wonderful friendship for more than a decade. Every time we meet it is the same broad genuine smile and warmth with which Toshio-san greets his friends and colleagues.
As the R10 Director, Toshio-san entrusted me with the responsibility of R10 Coordinator for IEEE Sections Congress’2014. The thing that I enjoyed most while working with Toshio-san was that not only he delegates responsibility but also the authority and freedom to his team members to do their job independently. He has an astute sense to swiftly comprehend the key issues and deal with them with an even-handed and direct approach. Similarly, his friendship is also truthful and straight; if you are wrong, he will let you know frankly and if you need help, he will not hesitate to support. Indeed, these are the qualities of an absolutely confident leader, which makes Toshio-san a true role model for so many IEEE volunteers across the globe.
Thank you, Toshio-san, for being such a great coach and a friend I know I can always trust!
Zia Ahmed, 2021-2022 Vice Chair of Technical Activities
Many thanks and appreciation to the wonderful leadership of Prof. Toshio Fukuda, the very first IEEE President/CEO from Region 10 in 2020. Your efforts and contributions have enhanced IEEE in striving for its mission and vision despite the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic since last year. It has been my pleasure to serve with you at Region 10, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi, 2021-2022 Newsletter Committee Chair