2020 MGA Achievement Award Recipient
Amit Kumar is a DNA Forensics Professional, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Bioinformatician and an IEEE Volunteer. In 2005, he founded the first Private DNA Testing Company Bio Axis DNA Research Centre (P) Ltd in Hyderabad, India with a US Collaborator. He has vast experience of training over 1000 crime investigation officers and helped over 750 criminal and non-criminal cases to reach justice by offering analytical services in his laboratory. His group also works extensively on Genetic Predisposition risk studies of cancers and has been helping many cancer patients from 2012 to fight and win the battle against cancer. Amit was a member of IEEE Strategy Development and Environmental Assessment committee (SDEA) of IEEE MGA. He is a senior member of IEEE and has been a very active IEEE volunteer at Section, Council, Region, Technical Societies (Computational Intelligence, Sensors Council and Engineering in Medicine & Biology) and MGA levels in several capacities.
Amit has driven a number of IEEE conferences, conference leadership programs, entrepreneurship development workshops, innovation and internship-related events. He was the Chairman of IEEE Hyderabad Section in 2020 and has also served the Section as Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Chair and conferences committee chair. He was a visiting Professor at SJB Research Foundation till 2020. Amit is the founder chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and IEEE Sensors Council chapters of IEEE Hyderabad Section. He was awarded with the prestigious IEEE MGA Achievement award in 2020 for the outstanding contributions at Section, Council and Region levels and 2020 Outstanding Volunteer award by IEEE India Council. He has also served IEEE India council as Vice-chair of Conferences, Technical and Professional Activity and Branding coordinator. Currently, he is a member of the IEEE MGA Nominations and Appointments committee, Chairman of IEEE Region 10 Section Chapter Committee and Chair of IEEE Sensors Council chapter of IEEE Hyderabad Section.

Amit was the interim chairman of IEEE CIS Chapter of Hyderabad Section and he organized a record number of 23 activities in the year 2012-2013. He organized diversified workshops, technical colloquiums, sponsorship to conferences and special session at WCCI Conference (a flagship conference of CIS). Amit and his CIS Team at the section level organized several DLPs under the society and these initiatives fetched the CIS chapter to be named as Outstanding Chapter Award in the first year itself. During his tenure as IEEE Region 10 SAC in 2015-2016, Amit worked very closely with the SAC team of all R10 Sections and there were a phenomenal number of student branches initiated in remote areas, where the Section didn’t have much reach. During his tenure with India Council and Sections while leading the conferences committee, technical and professional activities committees, processes were streamlined, and an online form created after consulting with IEEE CMS Team. This gave a phenomenal increase in the quality of conferences organized with the help of the Section’s involvement. The Section was able to weed out bad or low-quality conferences at a much early stage after receiving the relevant information from the requests. Section used to reject many TCS requests. A conference norms document was prepared which paved the way for all TCS requests through the Section. This document was vetted by several TPC members and appreciated.

Amit played vital roles in organizing several editions of INDICON, TENSYMP, TENCON, SSCI, and initiated the flagship conference of IEEE Hyderabad Section HYDCON in 2020. He represented the Section in IEEE POCO at Beijing, Budapest, Singapore and also instituted a local conference leadership program in India now popularly called as COW (Conference Organizers Workshop). This has now become a yearly conference education program in India and is attended by more than 100 interested IEEE conference organizers. This event has received support from IEEE MCE, IEEE Region 10 and IEEE India council and gained popularity in very few years of existence. During his tenure, Amit organized several conference leadership programs and created a trained pool of conference education volunteers in every zone of the Section. He meticulously contributed to the Section operations manual and bylaws revision; developed the Section level awards document, and the yearly planning templates under his tenure as Chairman of IEEE Hyderabad Section. These had brought a structured system of communication among the members to the volunteer leaders for a quick and transparent interaction and collaboration.