
IEEE R10 Newsletter – Bringing you the latest happenings in Region 10

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Welcome Messages

Messages from IEEE R10 Director and IEEE R10 Newsletter Coordinator . . .

Being an introverted person looking for a comfortable place to work on her communications skill, Mayesha Tafannum became an IEEE Member in 2017 while she was a second-year student at the North South University (NSU), Bangladesh. Beginning as a Content Writing Volunteer at IEEE NSU Student Branch, she has showcased her enthusiastic characteristics and leadership skills through diverse volunteering roles in IEEE since 2017 . . .

R10 Large Section – IEEE Kansai Section

IEEE Kansai Section was established as the Japanese Section in 1998 and marks its 25th anniversary in 2023. Formerly, IEEE activities in Japan were operated by one organization, Tokyo Section. In November 1998, the IEEE organization in Japan was reorganized into eight sections to improve member services. Kansai Section is one of the eight sections established in 1998, and since then has been contributing to and providing a wide range of member services in the Kansai area, which composes of Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Shiga, and Wakayama Prefectures. . .

R10 WIE Volunteer – Pooja Sharma [Madras Section]

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Miss. Pooja Sharma is a committee member of IEEE R10 WIE, Secretary of IEEE Madras Section WIE, and Co-Chair for IEEE YESIST12 Junior Einstein Track. She leads and mentors many students and young professionals in improving their skills and working towards IEEE and its technical societies. IEEE is one of her inspirations where she learns and contributes a lot to society. . .

Special Tributes to Prof. Lawrence Wong

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A special tribute to Prof. Lawrence Wong Wai Choong (1954 – 2022) , Region 10 Director 2011-2012, IEEE Vice President MGA 2015-2016.

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Learn about this year’s events . . .

Video interviews with Director-Elect 2023-2024

Covid-19 Interviews