By Reported by Dr. Nia Kurnianingsih IEEE R10 Treasurer, and endorsed by Professor Lance CC Fung, IEEE R10 Director

In a world grappling with the urgent need to address Climate Change, collaboration, and regional partnerships are vital. IEEE R10 proposed a groundbreaking initiative on Industry Engagement, complemented by a proposed IEEE – ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Industry Round Table on Climate Change.
This initiative aims to foster collaboration and exchange information on strategies for Climate Change adaptation and mitigation between industry and stakeholders. The Round Table will facilitate knowledge exchange, and drive innovation in the development and adoption of sustainable practices and technologies. The participation of industries in climate change initiatives is crucial for transitioning to a low-carbon economy, promoting sustainable practices, and adopting cleaner technologies. In addition, the IEEE- ASEAN Industry Round Table will provide a platform for industry leaders and policymakers from ASEAN member countries to come together, discuss climate change issues, share knowledge and experiences, and develop strategies for adaptation and mitigation.
Taking steps towards this initiative, the IEEE R10 Director, IEEE Director of Singapore Office Operation, R10 Treasurer, Indonesia Section Chair, and Vice Chair, together with the Chair of Indonesia Section Industry and Government Relations Committee visited PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) on 15 May 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia for advancing collaboration and knowledge sharing on Climate Change mitigation technologies. This visit demonstrates the commitment of IEEE R10 to promote sustainable development among the power utility industries. During the visit, IEEE R10 Director presented on “IEEE Focus on Climate Change,” highlighting the initiatives and efforts undertaken by IEEE in addressing Climate Change, led by 2023 IEEE President, Professor Saifur Rahman.
The Director of IEEE Singapore Office Operation also presented “Outreach Activities – Engaging South-East Asia Power Utilities,” showcasing the various outreach programs and activities carried out by IEEE R10 in collaboration with power utilities in the region. The Vice-President for Energy Transition and Climate Change of PT. PLN presented their strategies to achieve their targets of Net Zero Emission by 2060 and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. PT. PLN expressed its commitment to inviting domestic and global communities to collaborate and support their endeavors in achieving sustainable energy solutions.
The visit to PT. PLN in Jakarta serves as a blueprint for future engagements with power utility industries across ASEAN countries to facilitate cross-border collaboration, promote best practices, and drive collective action on Climate Change. IEEE R10 plans to replicate this approach to foster regional collaboration on Climate Change mitigation.