By Ashish Phophalia, Secretary, IEEE Gujarat Section
IEEE Gujarat Section organized the conference quality management workshop which is funded by IEEE R10 along with the 11th IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC) 2023 as a half-day workshop on 17 October 2023 at Marwadi University, Rajkot.
The opening remarks were delivered by two eminent speakers; Prof. Lance Fung, Director IEEE R10, and Prof. K V S Hari, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. In the opening remark, Prof. Lance shared his experiences of hosting quality events and the motivation for such workshops across R10. Prof. K V S Hari shared his experience of the bidding process of IEEE ICASSP 2025 which is going to be hosted for the first time in India. The workshop was graced by the speakers namely Prof. Sameer S. M., Chair, IEEE R10 Conference Quality Management (CQM) Committee, Prof. Micheal Ong, Secretary, IEEE R10, Prof. Rajendra B. Jadeja, General Co-Chair, IEEE R10 HTC 2023
Prof. Sameer spoke on the IEEE Conference Quality Guidelines and Conference Proceedings Review process. He discussed the key points of the review process. Prof. Ong delivered a talk on Guide to Conference Application and Conference Quality Guidelines where he talked about the preparation of the application process and pointers that might affect the rejection of the application during the evaluation process. Prof. Jadeja discussed his experience of hosting the IEEE R10 HTC 2023 conference and how to manage conference finances. The workshop had an open house discussion at the end where participants discussed more on IEEE Conference guidelines. The guests also discussed measures of conference quality parameters.