By Chi-Un Lei, Leon
“While the world is struggling to achieve quality education, IEEE is actively promoting inclusive and equitable STEM education, providing lifelong learning opportunities for all, and empowering the innovators of tomorrow.”
The R10 Educational Activities Committee (EAC) team is committed to fostering educational activities that make a difference. Using our dedicated assistance, Region OUs can receive development grants to organize impactful educational events. Moreover, EAC will offer training and professional development opportunities to enhance skills in organizing and managing such activities. This year, EAC has planned an exciting lineup of workshops on quantum computing intelligence designed specifically for pre-university students. These workshops will be held in Penang (Malaysia), Yokohama (Japan), Hong Kong, and Taipei. Additionally, support will be provided to colleagues applying for prestigious educational awards from the IEEE Educational Activities Board. To learn more about these initiatives and how to get involved, please visit the website at