Hyderabad Section

Registration at WIECON2012

Atul Negi first joined as an IEEE Student Member in 1993 and completed 28 years as an IEEE Member. He has been actively contributing as an IEEE volunteer since 1998. His first volunteering assignment was as the Student Branch Counselor of IEEE Student Branch, University of Hyderabad. He was elected to the executive committee of the IEEE Hyderabad Section and served as the Students Activities Chair during 1999-2000. After serving in the executive committee, he was elected as the Computer Society Chapter Chair during 2004-2005. After serving as Section Treasurer and Section Vice-Chair during the years 2006-2007, he was elected Section Chair for IEEE Hyderabad Section during 2012-2013. 

During this period, he was part of two major events for Region 10 in Hyderabad, the first being the Region 10 WIE Congress (WIECON2012) in March 2012 which attracted 607 participants from many states of India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. In July 2013, Hyderabad Section hosted the Region 10 Congress of WIE, Students and GOLD (Young Professionals used to be known as Graduates of the Last Decade) in a grand manner. Dr. Negi was also part of the initiation of the following Chapters in IEEE Hyderabad Section: Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, CAS/EDS Joint Chapter, Photonics Society Chapter, and Education Society Chapter. As Section Chair, he helped initiate the Conference Organizers Workshop series for IEEE Conference organizers.

Region 10 Meeting 2013 Receiving Large Section Award, Hyderabad Section from Toshio Fukuda then Director Region 10.

Dr. Negi was a member of the organizing committee and publications co-Chair for TENCON2008, when it was hosted by IEEE Hyderabad Section under the leadership of Prof. Arun Agarwal at University of Hyderabad. He was also active as the track co-chair for Computational Intelligence track in TENCON2019 in Kochi, hosted by Kerala Section. For TENSYMP 2015 organized by Gujarat Section, he was Tutorials Chair and he helped as track chair during TENSYMP2017 organized by Kerala Section.

With R10 Director-Elect Prof. Lance Fung at Mini-POCO in Hyderabad

Dr. Negi was active in IEEE India Council and was the publications chair and Computing Track co-chair for INDICON2011. During INDICON2019, he was Tutorials Chairs as well as the invited speaker. He was the Vice-Chair of Educational activities for India Council during 2017-2018. He has attended Sections Congress in Sydney in 2017 and was part of the CAS Chapter team giving lectures at IoT Workshop at Bandung Indonesia Section CAS Chapter. For his efforts as an IEEE volunteer, he was awarded the 2020 R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Dr. Atul Negi is currently working as a full professor in the School of Computer and Information Sciences at University of Hyderabad, Telangana, India and previously worked as Director at PIES, Indore, India. He holds the Ph.D. and MSc (Engg.) degrees from University of Hyderabad and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, respectively. He graduated with distinction in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India in 1986. He has delivered the IETE Distinguished K. K. Nair memorial lecture in 2012 and was a keynote and inaugural speaker at several national conferences in India. His work on pattern recognition and document imaging is well cited and he has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed conferences and journals.