R10 Student Branch – IEEE BRAC University Student Branch

2020 IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch 

Prepared by: Md. Abrar Hossen Faiyaz, Chair for IEEE Brac University Student Branch

IEEE Brac University Student Branch has been devotedly contributing to technological breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity while carrying the torch of IEEE’s goal to the highest degree of professionalism. The IEEE Brac University Student Branch has functioned exceedingly hard to establish itself as one of the most remarkable branches in Bangladesh Section, Region 10, and beyond. It has grown into one of the most active and engaged student organizations at Brac University. Brac University (BracU) established in 2001 is located in the heart of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The 2019-2020 and the following 2020-2021 sessions have been really thrilling for the branch, with so many possibilities and accomplishments, despite the global COVID-19 upheaval. It would not have been possible without the ExCom’s positive energy and the student members’ unwavering commitment. The pandemic indeed slowed down our regular lives at some point, but our spirited student members didn’t fall behind. They retained their excellent work and tremendous dedication throughout the trying times.

The IEEE Brac University Student Branch began its adventure on 6th July 2008. The IEEE Brac University Student Branch was founded by a dynamic EB panel comprising undergraduate students and extremely motivated advisors. The branch is committed to achieving surprising accomplishments in the upcoming years. IEEE BracU SB encourages new members to join by organizing a large membership campaign on campus, as well as encouraging current members to renew their membership. The program is managed by dedicated student volunteers who use presentations and films to explain and demonstrate the global relevance and benefits of becoming a member of the IEEE Student Branch and its student chapters. Regardless, all university faculty members (lecturers, professors, teaching assistants, and research associates) are encouraged to promote the benefits of IEEE membership. The campaign also manifests IEEE posters, leaflets, and board designs to draw more new members. In 2019, IEEE BracU SB had the highest retention rate. 2020 and 2021 are just the continuation of the previous year by maintaining the highest number of IEEE Members which are 283 and 271 respectively. It is expected that this figure will continue to rise in the following years. 

IEEE Brac University Student Branch has four successful chapters running under its wings. IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) BracU SBC started its journey on 7th October 2018. Accordingly, IEEE Computer Society BracU SBC started on 9th April 2019, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society BracU SBC on 27th May 2020, and lastly, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems BracU SBC on 8th June 2021. In the upcoming years, the SB aims to introduce three more societies within the branch which are the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), and IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). The IEEE Brac University Student Branch is actively involved in organizing scientific seminars, webinars, and competitions. The Student Branch also strives to achieve the organization’s scientific, educational, and professional objectives. The branch has invested much in its professional seminars, workshops, and boot camps in order to enthrall students with engineering challenges and help them find the finest solutions. With this purpose in mind, the IEEE Brac University Student Branch hosted webinars on a variety of engineering topics, including data science, traffic control algorithm development, PCB design, and system design, among many others. In addition, the IEEE Brac University Student Branch hosted activities focusing on the technical aspects of their study. The SB also actively participates in the IEEE Day celebrations. The 2nd National CanSat Competition, Satellite Expedition Contest, DORCHESTRA: An Online Video Contest on Informational Documentary & Promotional Advertisement, and DATACON 1.0, were the successful events organized in the previous years. Last year, the SB invited Prof. Saifur Rahman to the University to congratulate him on becoming the 2022 President-Elect of IEEE.

Previous awards received by the Student Branch include:

1.Winner of IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2021
2.Winner of IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2020
3.Richard E. Merwin Student Scholarship, Fall 2020, received by Zawaril Munshad Abedin, Former Vice-Chair, IEEE CS BracU SBC
4.The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award (Bronze Category): Satellite Expedition Contest, Brac University, STB66551, Bangladesh Section, Region 10.
5.MGA Achievement Award 2015 for initiating and leading the successful IEEE volunteer-led project received by the Counselor Prof. AKM Abdul Malek Azad.
6.IEEE SIGHT USA funds were approved for a technical project of BracU CARG (Bangladesh) SIGHT.

Please follow us here to stay up-to-date with the SB activities: ieee.bracu.ac.bd (Official Website)

